
Continuously growing, continually learning.

Afrian Luthfan


I'm a Frontend Web developer
and a creative individual.

These are the main tech stacks that I use,

framer black
github black
ps black
ai black

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..and these are the supporting libraries and tools I use alongside them.

A little bit about my journey

Here's a timeline to help you visualize my journey better.


Hover over each bar to see the details of my activities!


Organizational experiences

Working experiences

Educational experiences

I have also taken some courses and certifications to push myself to grow.

My courses and ceritifications

Here are a couple of other projects that I have worked on or have been working on

Worked on the frontend side of the project. This web app is a collaboration between me and a friend of mine. It is written in React using Typescript as the main language. The goal of the creation of this website is for us, the creators of this website, to showcase the implementation of Spotify Web API's features such as authorization and API consumption. Some examples of API consumption include getting user's spotify data, user's top tracks and audio features, and user's top items. The data is provided by Spotify API through OAuth which was made possible by utilizing NextAuthJS. For the front-end, we use NextJS and for the server state handilng, we use TanStack Query (React Query). The website is able to generate an ID card for users based on their listening habits on Spotify. The web app takes the five track features from each track from the user's top tracks on Spotify, which include Happiness, Danceability, Speechiness, Accousticness, and Energy.

Status: Deployed, though still waiting for Spotify's approval for usage

Morowali Project

Worked on the frontend side of the project. This project is aimed to be able to help people from villages in Indonesia to have access to data administering. This web app is built using VueJS with Javascript as the main language. The project is built by a team of eight individuals from many different backgrounds. I had to adapt to the team's workflow and learn VueJS in a short amount of time. This project is still in progress and is expected to be finished by the end of February 2024. The contributors of this project are all people from Indonesia. The project is to be funded by the government of Indonesia.

Status: Soon to be deployed, finishing up on the frontend side of the project


Come and say hi!

Feel free to contact me for any inquiries or questions you may have.
I also welcome collaboration opportunities, so please let me know about your projects!

Check out the GitHub repository of this page here


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